EV charging stations at Aero Long Beach are a limited resource. Will you assist us in making this resource available to as many EV drivers as possible?
Please do not park in EV charging designated spaces when you are not charging your vehicle.
Please configure your ChargePoint account so that you receive email or text messages when your vehicle is fully re-charged. Valet Attendant will remove car once you arrive to pick up vehicle.
Please limit your charging session to 4 hours maximum and do not leave your vehicle there after your charging session is complete.
Our charge station rates is $0.35/kWh plus $1.00/hr and goes up to $20.00/hr at 4 hours. You will be billed for the period your vehicle is plugged in to the station. It is your responsibility to monitor your connect time.
Please configure your ChargePoint Card so that you receive email or text messages when your vehicle is fully recharged. Please call ChargePoint with questions at 888-758-4389.
You must go online and connect to the Kilroy EV charging stations using your ChargePoint Card account to get the above $0.35/kWh plus $1.00/hr rate at the 3880 Kilroy Airport Way station. Instructions on how to do this are available from the management office.
By consenting below, the User named above hereby releases and forever discharges the owner of the building, Kilroy Realty Corporation, and ABM Parking, Inc., their administrators, agents, assigns, and all other persons, firms, corporations and institutions, who it might be claimed to be liable, none of whom admit any liability from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever and particularly on account of all injuries known and unknown, both to person and property, which have resulted or may in the future develop from any accident which might occur as a result from using electric vehicle charging stations. The User hereby declares that the terms of this agreement have been completely read and are fully understood and voluntarily accepted for the purpose of making a full and final compromise adjustment and settlement of any and all claims, stipulated or otherwise, on account of the injuries and damages above mentioned, and for the express purposes of precluding forever any further or additional claims arising out of any possibility accident by the User. It is further agreed that the release expresses a full and complete settlement of liability, regardless of the adequacy of the aforesaid and that the acceptance of this release shall not operate as an admission of the liability on the part of anyone, nor as estoppel, waiver, or bar with respect to any claim the part or parties release may have against the User. This release is binding on heirs, executors, assigns and administrators. This is a voluntary release for any and all future injuries or accidents. The User is attesting to be experienced in the proper use of the requested electric vehicle charging station and hereby assumes all risks. The risks include those foreseen and unforeseen, known and unknown and all events. By initialing below, the User hereby acknowledges that he/she has read and understands all of the above.